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Price and Cost Analysis of Germany's Popular Internet (DSL) Providers

Thanks to Germany's extensive telephone and cable network, internet access is possible practically everywhere - broadband network based on DSL technology being the most popular since it's stable and fast.

There are a lot of internet providers on the German market: 1 & 1, Alice, Congstar, KableBW, O2 , Tele2, T-Home, Vodafone , just to name a few. This makes choosing one tricky. Which one is the best for you? Our website, DSL-Germany, introduces the most popular and reliable network providers on the German market today, to help make your decision easier. (And if the information here isn't sufficient or if you have any problems or questions, just send us an email. We'll be happy to assist you further.)

That said, which internet provider is the best for you is a personal decision you have to make yourself. Afterall, “the best” is subjective. If service and quality are important to you, then 1&1 or KabelBW might be a good choice. If low cost is top priority, then perhaps 1&1 or Versatel.

If you need tips and detailed information on how to choose an internet provider, check our 'Tips for Ordering'.
If you are not familiar with German and have difficulties ordering internet / DSL products directly online, have a look at our 'Ordering Online - Step by Step'.

Internet Provider Special Offers Until October 31, 2024 New Customers can save up to Details
  • In general 1&1 offers very good service and the price is stable and reasonable
  • Currently all ‚All-Inclusive-Package‘ prices are reduced
  • Surf-Flat 6.000Mbit/s only costs 16.99€ monthly, and Doppel-Flat 6.000 only 19.99€ monthly
  • Order online and get a 20€ bonus
260 €
  • Every month 10€ reduced for the first 12 months
  • Start bonus 50€
  • UMTS on demand
170 €
  • Every month 10€ reduced for the first 6 months
  • FRITZ!Box Fon WLAN 7170 for only 50€ (normal price 199€)
209 €
  • Up to 6 months free of charge

180 €
  • 140€ bonus for changing DSL provider
  • Order an entertainment package and get a HD Digital Recorder
  • Order online and get a 50€ bonus
190 €
  • Free of charge for the first 4 months for all 'All-Inclusive Packages'
  • Order online and get a 60€ bonus
249 €
  • Every month 5€ reduced for the first 6 months
30 €
  • Free of charge for the first 7 months, afterwards 29.95€
  • Start bonus 50€
  • 120€ bonus for changing DSL provider (the monthly price is reduced by 5€, in total 5*24 = 120€)
  • Get 16.000Mbit/s DSL for the price of a 6000Mbit/s
  • Wireless Router free (normal price 299.85€)
629 €
  • No ordering fee (a 59.99€ saving!)
  • DSL-Wireless Router for only 29.99€ (normal price 129.99€)
160 €


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-- The Best All-Rounder --                                                                  [X] Close

1&1 is our current favorite and all-round recommendation with their reasonable prices and stable network performance. Currently the broadest bandwidth you can get from 1&1 is 50Mbit/s.The HomeServer (included in HomeNet s) is one of the best WLAN Routers in the market. You even get a 1000GB online storage for free, if you choose one of the HomeNet s. With it you can access and share any kind of file (e.g. videos and photos) from anywhere and with anyone (that's cheaper than buying your own domain for sharing files online!). Additionally their HomeNet s offer an entertainment , which gives you access to their huge online video library and internet radio.

You can have a quick check to see if 1&1 DSL is available where you live:


-- Shortest Minimum Contract Period --                                                       [X] Close

Congstar is currently the only provider offfering contracts without a minimum contract period. Our recommendation for people who need this flexibility (people with working holiday visas or people who are always on the move).

Congstar Package

Bandwidth (Kbit/s)

Min. Contract Period (Months)

Monthly Cost


Surfpaket Plus 2000



22.98 €


Surfpaket Plus 6000



25.97 €


Surfpaket Plus 16000



27.97 €



The next best deal is from Alice. They offer contracts starting from a minimum of 1 month.

Alice Package

Bandwidth (Kbit/s)

Min. Contract Period (Months)

Monthly Cost


Alice Fun



29,90 €


Alice Light



24,90 €


Alice Comfort



49,90 €



If you have any problems or questions about how to order online or you need more assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.

-- Shortest Minimum Contract Period --

-- Cheapest --                                                                       [X] Close

Currently 1&1 offers the cheapest DSL internet service on the market: 2Mbit/s for only 14.99€ per month. (2Mbit/s is usually sufficient for light and medium internet users, for example, if you use the internet for general surfing and email use and only occasionally download music/video clips)

1&1 Package

Bandwidth (Kbit/s)

Monthly Cost


1&1 Surf-Flat 2000 Basic


14.99 €


1&1 DSL Surf-Flat 6000


16.99 €


1&1 DSL

Versatel is also a good deal. It's a bit more expensive than 1&1, but worth the few extra Euros, if you want a package which is tailored to your specific needs. They allow you to mix and match their services for a "customized“, cost-effective package.

Versatel  Package

Bandwidth (Kbit/s)

Monthly Cost


Basis-Flatrate DSL 2000


19.90 €


Basis-Flatrate DSL 6000


22.40 €


If you have any problems or questions about how to order online or you need more assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.

-- Cheapest --

-- Fastest --                                                                       [X] Close

Currently Unitymedia offers the fastest internet service available (120Mbit/s).If you are looking for smooth surfing at ultra-fast-speed, then look no further.


If you have any problems or questions about how to order online or you need more assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.

-- Fastest --

-- Best Quality --                                                                       [X] Close

T-Home, a subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom, offers the best quality in terms of stable network connections. Afterall Deutsche Telekom has the most extensive telephone network infrastructure.


However, they are also known for being a bit expensive and their services a bit lacking... If you're looking for the best quality in terms of customer service or the best for a price range, the following are also top-class:

1&1 DSL Unitymedia

If you have any problems or questions about how to order online or you need more assistance, don't hesitate to contact us.

-- Best Quality--