| Kabel BW
Kabel BW Special Offers (Until February 28, 2025)
Currently Kabel BW's special offers are limited to Baden-Wuerttemberg. The DSL internet service from Kabel BW is based on cable network. Their products are famous for their cost-effectiveness and for their high performance. They provide the fastest DSL in the market today: 100Mbit/s. If you are currently with some other internet provider and considering switching to Kabel BW, now is a good time to do so, since Kabel BW will pay you a 120€ bonus. If you order directly online, you will get an additional 40€ bonus.
Kabel BW DSL Packages
Here are different Kabel BW DSL products and their detailed information. Please keep in mind that the internet and telephone products from Kabel BW are based on cable system, so if you don't have cable system at home yet, you should order it together with your internet or phone products. Kabel BW's minimum contract period is 24 months.
About Kabel BW
Kabel BW is one of the largest cable suppliers in Germany and Europe. They provide extremely fast DSL service (up to 100Mbit/s) based on their cable network in Baden-Wuerttemberg . Customers can watch TV, listen to online radio and get online through his cable system, what they call the „triple-play“ services. Currently customers of Kabel BW have more than 600 television and radio channels to choose from.
The cable TV contract from Kabel BW costs currently 16.95€ per month. You only need to pay another 19.90€ to get their double flatrate product (internet plus telephone) with a speed of 6Mbit/s. If you are a fan of speed, then Kabel BW is the best choice on market now, since they can offer 100Mbit/s for private customers. They offer free installation. |